Lesson of the week

1.Do not be afraid to be judged by the world because He who created you, made you unique, therefor there is one of you in the world and only you who can make a change in the world

2.Stop being depressed because it's not normal for a human, even if the world says it's normal, don't believe what they say. A good way to stop depression is talk with a friend who understands you and who listens to you or even go to your room with your friend and sincerely say "God remove the depression please" and in day or two the depression will go away or the depression will be gone as soon as you say it(for it is written "where two or three are gathered in my name I will be there with you".).(Me when I was in depression I went to a retreat and I said to God "Lord stop my depression because I want to have it on me"and at this very moment the depression is gone.)







